Spotify Growth: Over 150,000 Streams For Brand New Single


In this article, I'll provide valuable insights into effective music marketing strategies based on my experience of promoting music across various genres. Every word here serves a purpose, so read carefully to make the most of this information.

Firstly, I'd like to emphasize that I won't waste your time with ineffective strategies. Now, let's dive into a case study to illustrate the power of combining both free and paid traffic for music growth.

CASE STUDY: Analias - "Stay Away" Genre: Pop

When I released my song, and like many artists, I attempted to generate traction through social media posts, but it didn't yield significant results.

Relying solely on the algorithms of platforms like Instagram or TikTok for long-term music growth is not a viable strategy. While optimizing and strategizing for organic traffic is essential, it's equally crucial to harness the potential of paid traffic effectively.

I employed both free and paid traffic strategies, resulting in remarkable outcomes:

  • The song's daily plays surged from 223 to over 1800.
  • I secured over 5,281 playlist placements, predominantly on user-owned lists rather than professional playlisters, and the song was saved over 7,609 times.
  • The song garnered over 165,000 streams, with 68% stemming from listener's own playlists and libraries, and 13% stemming from Spotify algorithmic playlists.

Now, let's explore the specific strategies I utilized for free and paid traffic.


  1. Movie Soundtracks: Contrary to misconceptions, movie soundtracks can be highly effective for promotion. I have access to data on HUNDREDS of songs within Spotify For Artists and YouTube analytics. By selecting songs that align with the overall feel of the soundtrack and targeting movies or shows set to release soon, these soundtracks can outperform even the best-paid ads.

  2. Targeting Smaller Lists: Instead of exclusively pursuing large playlists, we focused on securing placements on numerous smaller lists. This strategy involves leveraging your own smaller playlists and collaborating with other artists or smaller labels to exchange promotional efforts.


  1. Diversify Traffic: When investing in ads, avoid directing all the traffic to just one song. It's more effective to run ads for multiple songs and direct the traffic to playlists you own or links featuring your other socials, email list, or website.

  2. Avoid Generic Playlists: If you don't have a significant following yet, avoid naming your playlist something like "Best Hits (This Is: Artist Name Here)." Opt for titles that specify the genre, mood, or trending theme instead, as this will yield better results in terms of cost per ad.


  • Free traffic is valuable, and you should always pursue it, but it must be complemented by a well-planned paid strategy.
  • Look for areas where traffic exists but competition is limited. This can be achieved through SEO, exploring new social media platforms, or tapping into niche genres.
  • It really isn’t worth it to pay for ads yourself if you have no idea what you’re doing. If you’re going to spend the money, make sure you’re spending it smartly. 
  • By adopting a balanced approach and implementing these strategies, you can build a sustainable music promotion business and grow your audience effectively.


When your song is ready to go, it's time to start promoting it to potential fans! I have some of the best promotion services money can buy. With packages for Spotify, Apple Music, TikTok and YouTube, I will get your music the traffic and attention it deserves !